Aug 28, 2021
Sketching out some ideas around the relation between the shared
indistinguishable surface of interactive fiction games and using
GAN's to create art. What comes out when I put this thing
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Watch 301...
Aug 21, 2021
Since I have been old enough to do so, I've hidden my face
behind a beard. Shaving with a straight razor requires the
sacrifice of attention. A high price if the bill isn’t paid.
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You can now watch 301 on youtube:
Aug 14, 2021
4 years, 150 Episodes, 12.5hrs of audio, 9 Video Episodes and
160,000+ words of script. ‘Number goes up’ gives you a nice
feeling. But the more energy spent caring about stats, the more
numbers became a source of personal validation.
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Aug 7, 2021
I've been learning new software this week. The Covid brain fog is lifting, and I am experiencing the phenomenon of unspent mental energy coming to the surface.
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You can now watch 301 on my youtube channel here: